10 000 000 members. Done!
It has finally happened!
The xHamster community has surpassed 10,000,000 members. That could only mean one thing. More people are watching porn than it takes to populate the city of New York. This really makes our furry friend smile. And yes, we are talking about our hamster so get your mind out of that nasty place known as the gutter.
When we started xHamster years ago we had no idea that our population would grow this fast. Thanks to you, our xHamster community, we have become the metropolis of porn. What an accomplishment!!
Let’s have a big round of applause for everyone that had helped us get here.
Reaching 10 million members now is great timing because the xHamster team has much more in store for our fans and supporters. With upcoming special events, contests, and fundraisers for charities around the world we plan to be very busy. We are even working on a new website with lots of new content and features for our xHamster community. This is a very exciting time for us and we are happy that we can share it with all of you.
We hope by this time next year we will be celebrating 20 million. That would be absolutely amazing!
With all the help from our xHamster community we truly believe this is possible and we look forward to many things to cum.
Until then we want you to log on and #hamsturbate
Ahh I can still remember the time I joined this site. ^_^
I was stepping into a whole new world.
And I'm still single on here. Lol